
The gardens are planted! Thankful for the rain we got over the weekend!

Emalyn planted watermelon

Josiah planted peppers, beans, and carrots

Paul planted popcorn and peppers

Wesley with his strawberries

Claire planted tomatoes, carrots, and beans

robin nests

There are two robin nests in our yard this year. This is the first time most of the kids have been able to watch the eggs hatch and baby birds grow. I think not having a cat around has something to do with it!

this one was in a pine tree by the side of our house – here two eggs have hatched and two eggs are left

this picture was taken a week later – crowded nest with four birds! All four birds have since left the nest

The other nest is right off our front porch, but the nest is too high to take photos. There are three baby birds in it right now.

Alyssa’s shower

Here are some photos from Alyssa’s baby shower earlier this month. Catherine planned everything – Lindsay, Melissa, and I helped.

the Peter Rabbit theme turned out so cute

Jacob & Alyssa

they received several special baby quilts – this was made by Alyssa’s coworker

this one was made by a church member

and this one was made by the pastor’s wife

Catherine’s neighbor made these cookies – they were too pretty to eat!


sisters with Mom

Excited to meet Baby Knock in July!

Emalyn’s 8th birthday

Emalyn wanted a surprise birthday party for her 8th birthday. I think we pulled it off! On her birthday, April 21st, Jonathan’s mom took her to a ballet in the afternoon. As soon as they left, we set up and decorated the house for her party. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins gathered, and when she got home, she found a surprise!

Nana & Emalyn at the Aladdin ballet

getting ready for the party

marshmallow ballerinas

opening gifts

ballerina ice cream cake

with Papa & Nana

with Grandma & Grandpa

with Mom & Dad

with Claire, Colette, & Eloise

Happy Birthday, Emalyn!

April 8th eclipse

The kids got out of school early on the 8th so we could watch the eclipse.

We walked to Munson Park and watched from the hill there with friends.

Wes was more interested in his ice cream cone than looking at the sun!

the girls

We did not have totality in Monroe, but it was pretty close. The warm weather made for a fun afternoon!